Immune Enhancements and Weekend Workshop

Hello, friends!

I've been laid up this week -- likely with RSV (ugh!) -- and it prompted me to send out a reminder about how to keep ourselves healthy during what is predicted to be a tough winter illness season. I obviously had fallen off the wagon a bit! And on a related note, read to the end to check out the weekend workshop I've linked to help release your stress and tension. 

Also remember that these tips are for all humans, not just adults -- so during this winter season be mindful about your kids' diet, stress levels, exercise time, and sleep!


Perhaps surprisingly, a 2011 study found that the MOST significant factor in preventing colds and flus was regular exercise -- even more crucial than stress and diet! The study showed that exercising 5+ days a week resulted in a 43% lower rate of cold and flu infection during that season compared against exercising just 1 day a week. So! Take small steps if this isn't already a habit you have. A 20-minute brisk walk after a meal is a perfect way to add in exercise on a regular basis and it helps with stress and regulating your blood sugar as well. (Note that over-exercise can suppress immunity -- so be mindful about how much you're pushing your body.)

We know that plentifully consuming brightly colored fruits and vegetables supports the immune system with a variety of vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients -- so load up on those delicious squashes, carrots, beets, berries, leafy greens, pomegranates (MMMMM POMEGRANATES), and more! You'll also want to reduce alcohol, sugar, and processed flours (if you eat gluten-free products like I do, know that they are just crammed with processed flours). 

Research is clear that poor sleep quality and quantity decrease immune system effectiveness. So -- now is the time to try to reset habits, force yourself to get to bed earlier, and to seek help if you're struggling with sleep quality or quantity. Acupuncture, herbs, supplements, meditation, and cognitive behavioral therapy can all be useful in enabling deeper, longer sleep. Ping me for advice if you need some!

Stress also inhibits the ability to effectively fight infections. Even vaccinations are less effective, research shows, when we are chronically stressed and tired. Obviously the end of the year is an inherently stressful time of year for many of us with our work, family, and social commitments. If you need help managing stress, common levers include nature time, meditation, breathwork (I LOVE Dr. Weil's 4-7-8 breath), acupuncture, massage, herbal medicine, saying no to extra tasks, and laughing!

Online Workshop for Stress and Sleep! This Sunday 11/20 at 4:30.
Which brings me to a great workshop that can help with both stress and sleep! This weekend, Pilates instructor Nati Oron is offering a "roll and release" online foam rolling workshop. All you need is a foam roller which is a great tool to have on hand for the long term. I was a doubter until I tried it, but I can confirm that spending a long period of time foam rolling serves as a deep self massage, releasing tight spots in the hips, back, neck, shoulders, and other places, and results in relaxation and stress relief. And since the workshop is on Sunday evening you may find yourself having an easier time getting to sleep. Here's the link for details and registration.

If you need additional help staying healthy this season, reach out to me and let's see what we can do! Happy Thanksgiving to you all and I look forward to seeing you soon.

With love,

Janet Thomson

We provide acupuncture, herbal medicine, and holistic health treatment for kids and adults! Based in Oakland & Lafayette CA and supporting the broader east bay, we specialize in pediatrics and women’s health.

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