Expanded Clinic Hours and Self-Care Tips for the Holidays
Hello, friends!
I hope you're faring well as we speed along towards the end of the year. If life is feeling a little unmanageable these days, please take a look at my colleague Lorie Solay's 24 Days of Self Care Tips -- designed to help you establish routines and practices to make the holiday season more manageable. Best of all, you can pick your favorite tips to turn into habits in the new year. I'm absolutely loving getting a 2-minute video tip each day!
Now that Lily is in part-time daycare, I'm thrilled to offer expanded clinic hours! Our current schedule is as follows:
Tuesdays: 3-7:15 (Evelyn)
Wednesdays: 3-6:30 (Janet)
Fridays: 10-3 (Janet), 4-7 (Kelsey)
Saturdays: 10-2 (Janet)
I will be opening up additional hours in January -- stay tuned!
Also, note that I'll be taking the last two weeks of the year off to reboot and recharge.
Lily recently took her first couple acupuncture needles. Not surprisingly, she's been getting acupressure for months to support digestion, growth, immunity, and nervous system relaxation -- but after her first real illness she was mighty fussy for a few days. Using these irritation-releasing acupuncture needles was part of our care to help get her back on track.
Like most very young kids, she didn't really notice that she had these hair-thin needles in her back. Since kids are wiggly we don't leave them in for long but a little bit of acupuncture goes a long way for children.
If you have questions for me about acupuncture for kids, please reach out! It's one of my favorite ways to help families.
If there are other ways I can help you and your family as you wind down towards the end of the year, please let me know!
With love,