Understanding Teen Development through Classical Chinese Medicine
Authored by Navarre Miya, L.Ac.
Through the lens of Classical Chinese Medicine human psychosocial development follows an arc through the channel pathways of the body in the same order that our life force, or Qi, moves through the body every 20-30 minutes. We can use our understanding of this pathway and these Channels to support the body and mind in finding balance and healing. When we have an intimate understanding of which developmental stage our children and teens are growing in, we can cultivate compassion for the particular challenges of each Channel and support the strengths and blossoming that they represent. Regular healthcare prevention through plenty of time spent outside, physical activity, acupuncture, herbal formulas, and therapy as well as any needed supports such as occupational therapy, physical therapy, nutritional guidance, or chiropractic care all act to support a child’s thriving movement through development into adulthood.
Ultimately, as you will see, it is our connections with our children and each other that guides our movement through development within the context of each child’s own destiny or blueprint. It is important to be gentle with ourselves as parents and understand that we are raising sovereign beings who are on their own journeys. Of course, we have impact on those journeys, but we do not create them, so allowing our children and ourselves autonomy in our healing journeys is paramount so that we do not carry the burden of another’s destiny. Hear this parents: we do the best we can with the tools we have.
There are four energetic levels that contain four Channel pathways in each. We progress through each Channel as we grow and develop and each has particular challenges and strengths, balances and ways of finding equilibrium. We can utilize acupuncture techniques as well as gua sha and moxa to assist the body and mind in attaining a greater balance.
The first energetic level includes perception, sensation, thought, and survival. Beginning in the Lung Channel when a newborn takes their first breath, our development at this time is focused on connection. When in balance, the Lung Channel allows for free and open connection to the world by way of the openness of the breath and skin-to-skin contact. When imbalances occur here due to a lack of attachment or physical contact we see breastfeeding challenges, breathing issues, and a craving of stimulation or, alternatively, emotional shutdown. Holding our babies, maintaining physical contact, and responding to their expressed need for connection facilitates a healthy development of the Lung Channel.
Next, we grow into the Large Intestine Channel which is all about assimilation. This stage allows for appropriate and moderated physiological and psychological stimulation and experience. Think of a toddler eating new foods provided by their caregiver, experiencing the flavors and textures, and then assimilating the nutrients from that food. One can see that if experiences during this stage are not moderated appropriately (unhealthy foods, screen time, stressful experiences) overstimulation can be the result and digestive disorders, sleep issues, or sensory organ issues (ear infections, painful teething or dental caries, tonsilitis to name a few) can arise.
As we grow, we enter the Stomach Channel phase which is governed by developing discernment, or allowing for judgement-free feelings about experiences with the world. This means our “gut feelings” and preferences that do not necessarily align with logic or thinking. Imagine your preschooler very clearly not wanting to eat a food that until this point they ate freely. This development hones our ability to interact with the widening world and follow the choices we know in our gut. This is especially important as historically this was a time when most children ended their relationship with breastfeeding. No longer receiving antibodies and probiotic gut support from breastmilk, it was imperative that children followed their gut instincts when it came to what they were eating so as not to take in something that could be potentially harmful to their developing digestive systems. Amazing, right?! There is wisdom in the ‘No!”
The grade-school years bring us to the end of the first energetic level with the Spleen Channel ruling our ability to contextualize or place one’s self in society. Our widening world and increasing awareness of feelings combine giving us the opportunity to place our experiences and preferences within a social context. We all have so many stories of navigating where we fit in and with whom. Were we confident in our sense of self or did we struggle with self- consciousness, anxiety, worry, over-thinking, or impulsivity? This is also the stage where stomach aches and growing pains present themselves, especially in response to social stress. Giving children a safe place to process and digest these social experiences helps them grow into this stage with clearer understanding and sense of balance.
The adolescent years are where we enter the second energetic level which is all about social skills, habituation, and interaction. The Heart Channel, as you can guess, governs engagement with others, relationship, love, and, because the channel animates the tongue, vocalizing and owning one’s thoughts, emotions, and purpose. This can look like a twelve-year-old feeling devastated by climate change and desperately wanting to do something about it or it can be falling in love for the first time at sixteen and figuring out how to intertwine in relationship with another who has different thoughts, emotions, and purpose. This is where we may see heartbreak, disconnection, rejection, or disappointment result in anxiety, chest pain or difficulty taking deep breaths, stuck emotions, speech challenges, emotional outbursts, or apathy. It is also where self-harm and disordered eating patterns may present as teens are struggling to find a way to release stagnation. Heartfelt connection with care givers and a listening ear provide anchors in the storm for teens during this time
The Small Intestine Channel develops clarity, which is a higher form of discernment. When in balance, we are able to distinguish between good and bad, truth and fiction. We are able to integrate information and self-reflect, reevaluate and fine-tune ideas. When out of balance due to experiencing strong criticism or unreasonable comparison, challenges arise such as a constant need for approval, controlling or manipulative behavior, or severe doubt and uncertainty and an inability to make sense of the world. So many teens struggle with this stage growing up with social media and unchecked tech use. The result is bullying and a severe lack of self-worth. Simply disengaging from screens and connecting with heart-to-hearts (remember the previous Channel?) with your teens can have immeasurable impacts on their ability to cope and develop proper discernment during this time.
The Bladder takes us into the territory of developing boundaries. This may look like wanting to maintain privacy or keep everyone out of their bedroom or no longer allowing great auntie to pinch their cheeks or give them kisses. This is a declaration of one’s own space and autonomy. If boundaries are crossed in significant ways through assault, trauma, or extreme overwhelm, one may become jumpy or reactive, experience panic attacks, sabotage relationships, or turn toward addictive behaviors to cope. Helping teens find appropriate expressions of boundaries and respecting this expression strongly supports this stage of growth.
To close the second energetic level, as well as adolescence, the Kidney Channel brings us determination and prepares us for the adulting channel that comes next (Pericardium). The will we began to develop in the first energetic level comes to fruition here with our ability to remain resolute in our journey of self-actualization. This allows for our capacity to manage the world, impose our will on the world (our purpose), and to take responsibility for one’s self. This marks the time in which we launch into the world to express our destiny. We may leave our parents’ home for work or further education, we may embark on larger projects or travels, we are envisioning our deepening impact on the world. What may challenge this process is deep fear, limitations imposed by self or others, or misaligned life choices. These may result in mental health crises, self-destructiveness, identification with an addiction or trauma, existential crises, or fear of death. With proper development of the previous Channels and the privilege of few obstacles or limitations, the true expression of the Kidney Channel and one’s destiny will be well supported.
The third and fourth energetic levels describe our journeys through adulthood and elderhood and will be touched on in another post. Thank you for reading and please reach out with any questions you may have about this topic. We look forward to supporting you and your children’s health!